Axl Rose has been working on this CD for 15 years; he must be the laziest musician ever. I can't stand Guns N'Roses because they inspired things like Nickleback, but today I don't hate Axl Rose because he might be the reason why I can afford to drink something other than tap water.
Every American right now is also trying to get their free, caffeinated sugar, so DP's servers have crashed with all the traffic. I've been clicking the refresh button since 10am. Dr Pepper lied. There's no free DP. I now hate Axl Rose and his dumb lazy band.
This website is faster & better: http://www.drpepper.com/freeDrPepper/index.php (or http://www.drpepper.com/freeDrPepper/address.php) (or http://www.drpepper.com/freeDrPepper/?icamp=hp_dpfree_coupon)
It worked for me. But I still hate Axl Rose because I won't be receiving the coupon until 4-6 weeks. WHAT THE HELL!? I'm driving to CVS.
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