1.The most losingest MLB team in histroy, the Pittsburgh Pirates, hit a new low today by
signing two Indians to their pitching staff who won a throwing contest in their homeland. I'm not even fucking kidding; it was called the "Million Dollar Arm" contest. The two winners threw the most pitches at least 85 mph inside the strike zone. This is the most embarrassing Pirate news I've heard... since .... earlier this season when they became the most losingest team in MLB history. Go Buccos!

2. The Pitt Basketball team moved up two spots to
#4 in the nation, leaving 3 of the top 4 teams from the Big East. We are so bad ass.

3. The one-time showing of
Mysteries of Pittsburgh premiered Sunday night at the Regent Square Theatre, ending the Three Rivers Film Festival. It sold out quick, and over 150 people were turned away. There were mixed reviews, because get this: the director changed the book's story around, can you believe that?! Unheard of.

4. Contrary to popular belief,
Pittsburghers like art & culture more than sports. In a study among 14 similar cities, Pgh also ranked as one of the safest, but that doesn't make up for having one of the biggest populations of impoverished children. :( Poor Creaty.

Girltalk came to Pittsburgh on Saturday. Young girls across the region dolled themselves up in glitter, brightly colored headbands, and slutty things from American Apparel before forcing their significant others to join in on the underage grind-fest.
Girltalk, whose real name is Greg Gillis, is a native of Pittsburgh, has a house in Polish Hill, and dates a girl named Kendall. My very reliable source, simply known as
CoolJ, told me, "Yeah, she is pretty cool. She works/ed at Remedy. She has a dance night."
Reports from my other sources (AKA facebook albums) indicate that everyone was really wasted and sweaty at the concert. When interviewing one anonymous girl who attended, she said, "There was a lot of Steelers stuff. I don't remember really, I think I drank too much."
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