The citizens America (California in this case) forgot briefly while in the polling booths last week that we're supposed to be the most free country on the planet by passing the Proposition 8 that "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry." Americans again masterfully succeeded in eliminating more civil rights of the people... yes, real people, believe it or not, gay people are kind of real. Not just in broke back mountain. I know most of you in NW PA wouldn't know that.
Here in Pittsburgh, the protest was organized on Pitt's campus, where a strange turn of events lead to one very vocal student catching a cold because he removed his shoes in a frenzy to yell louder. We hope for a speedy recovery. Our prayers are with him.
No but seriously, I can't think of any logical argument to ban gay marriage. You have to be one of the most unintelligent people on Earth to hate someone for being gay. I understand why you could hate someone because they killed your dog; or scammed your grandma into a vacation to Hawaii that never existed; or ate all your food that you just bought from giant eagle; OR , turned the heat up to 95 degrees to piss you off, didn't pay $3000 in unpaid bills, stole your luggage, your shoes, and your xbox, left a note on the kitchen table that they left for Florida, then showed back up 5 months later wondering why you called them a douche bag out your car window... f'ing douche bag.
The point is: don't hate. Love everyone (except for the aforementioned cases). I got choked up today watching these people tell their stories-- and I'm straight, was raised Catholic, and generally a soulless misogynist--so that means a lot. Ensuring that every person is capable of living in general freedom and liberty means a lot to me too. This country was created so we wouldn't be stripped from our inalienable rights. It was created on the basis of freedom and liberty. Where has it gone?
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