OK this is 4 days old,
But it has to be said,
According to Pitchfork Media and Fat Possum:

He's scheduled for the Carnegie Music Hall... in New York, not Pittsburgh, which makes me sad but proud. Pittsburgh's a good tour stop for the upcoming musician; when they get bigger they stop coming; then when they're really big they come back... well, most of the time (I'm still waiting for The Click Five to come back). Last fall, I enjoyed falling asleep (in the best way possible) to Bird's 3.5 hour performance in Carnegie Music Hall, but it looks like this year I'll be making a trip to see my bro.

Although I have a lot of excellent help, I’m producing my own record here, from microphone placement to deciding when to break for lunch. There’s a reason for the division of labor that was once the norm in the recording industry, where the producer took care of the details and delegation -- even song choice -- so that the musicians could just focus on performing. I’d love to be coddled and just walk on to a soundstage and do my job, but I’m afraid that relinquishing control would ultimately result in a limiting of imagination.

Read the rest from a rather interesting NY Times blog entry where Bird describes the recording process done at the Wilco Loft. But you probably already have, since it's 6 months old. I know, this post is not news; it's mostly for my own blog-masturbation-- the same reason why you mental-masturbate by doing cross word puzzles everyday, to fulfill the Freudian void. F@#k Freud, I do what I want. Freaking coke addict.


adele said...

maybe if you fomred some sort of click five fan club you could persuade them to return.

Neil said...

i guess they already have a pretty big one: http://www.getclicked.org/

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